Doreen Campbell
Doreen Campbell has over 35 years experience in SE Florida as a real estate appraiser. She also has a varied background in addition to her appraisal practice.
- She was appointed as an appraiser special master by Dade & Broward County commissions to hear property tax appeals cases. This gives her an excellent perspective from which to help with your property tax appeal.
- She had established & managed Great Western's Appraisal Dept in Miami before Campbell & Associates. Great Western was later acquired by Washington Mutual.
- She had devised a system that multiplied relief efforts tenfold for FEMA (The Federal Emergency Management Agency) when Hurricane Andrew hit South Florida. The FEMA methods were such that only one home per day could be assessed and reported for disaster relief loans & grants. A version of that system is used today.
Personal Interests:
- Rob Campbell: Local musician/songwriter's musical accomplishments (bass, drums and guitar) most recently with Fallbrooke and previously with We Bled Victory.
- Dancing: Doreen is an avid dancer. Her favorite dance is West Coast Swing, originally from SoCal. It's fun, relaxing and someone else drives, for once. Cha-cha, two-step, waltz & east coast swing (jitterbug) round out the fun. For those who don't know couples/ballroom dancing, the man leads, the woman follows. There are classes at Roundup Country in Davie, Thurs & Sat nights. Line dance lessons are on Wed, Fri & Sun. It's not just "hillbilly twang" - Blues for west coast, oldies for east coast; don't knock it till you try it....!
- Writing: Writing is a lifelong passion for Doreen, which started, not surprisingly, with reading. Friends always said she should write a book - that's underway, with the first chapter hopefully to be published as a children's book,in 2006. It's about a Christmas angel, who hatched in Ocala, on December 23rd. Children (& parents) born around Christmas will enjoy this one. "The rest of the story" is also auto-biographical, about life in south Florida years ago, and growing up Gringa Latina in Belize and Nicaragua, about life, love and losing loved ones. It's about learning to let God & His Angels pour blessings on us..... That will take longer to write, as it took much longer to live. It's about 4 generations of the Hembree/Hines/Campbell family's adventures as cowboys, farmers, appraisers, musicians, dancers and parents/children in the "real world".
How did she get to be an appraiser?
Doreen was teaching an Urban Cowboy, (who also happened to be a commercial real estate appraiser) to dance, at (then) Club Dallas in Ft Lauderdale.
There was a condemnation case being talked about (widening Broward Blvd between 441 & University). He needed someone with landscape cost knowledge, and needed questions answered like: Can we move the trees? Will they live? Is it worth it? How much do we pay for this? He'd do the part about the effect of traffic & loss of front yards, if she would take care of the "landscape improvements in the taking" valuation. The rest, as they say, is history. (or "herstory" as the case may be).